| | SPEAKER SERIES, May 14, 2022 Time: 2: PM Description: Three of Eagle Point’s mayors, all women, will talk about their experiences in the job in the next Love Local History spring speaker series event on Saturday, May 14 at 2 p.m. at the Ashpole Community Center, 17 South Buchanan in Eagle Point. The event is free, open to all who love history and reservations are not required.
On the panel will be Mayor Ruth Jenks, who was elected in 2018 and is currently mayor of Eagle Point. Mayor Jenks will be joined by two earlier mayors who were elected in the 1980s, Donna Butchino and Laree Linder. The May Love Local History event will be a unique opportunity to understand the political landscape of the 1980s from a woman’s point of view and contrast it with that of 2020.
The May Love Local History event will be a singular experience. You’ll hear from women who made political history here in the Rogue Valley at a time when there were few women in city and county government and to hear from our sitting mayor about what it’s like to lead an energetic and thriving community. Find out what motivated these women to seek public office, what their challenges were, what they are most proud of in their terms of service and the many ways that Eagle Point has changed during their tenures.
Eagle Point had a unique political history in the 1980s, when four women served consecutive terms as mayors of the city. The first elected was Donna Butchino in 1982, followed by Stephanie Householder in 1984. Eagle Point librarian, Rose Draper filled out Householder’s term and in 1986, Laree Linder was elected and served two terms, completing her service in 1990. Eagle Point was growing at a furious pace during these years and the women faced formidable challenges. Similarly, Mayor Ruth Jenks guides a community of about 10,000 folks in a city that has significant infrastructure and economic requirements.
The Mayors’ panel is the third event in the Love Local History spring speaker series. The series is made possible in part by an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon with the support of Southern Oregon University and the Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum. For more information contact Maureen Battistella, Eagle Point Museum volunteer, at mbattistellaor@gmail.com or 541-552-0743.
 | | Vintage Fair, May 7, 2022 Time: 10: AM Description: Vintage Fair is back. Vendors, Old Time Fiddlers, Food, Dress up in old time clothes and get your picture taken, "Mostly Country playing in the Museum have all been scheduled.
Come join us for a fun filled day!
 | | Speaker Series, April 9, 2022 Time: 2: PM Description: Love love love local history at the Eagle Point Museum at 202 North Royal Avenue in the historic district! African Americans were among those who made the long, dangerous trek across the United States during the westward migration of the 1850s but their stories are largely unknown and untold. Troy Tate, an Oregon Black Pioneers board member will tell some of those stories in a Zoom visit on Saturday, April 9, 2 p.m. at the Eagle Point Museum, 202 North Royal Avenue in Eagle Point.
The event is free and open to all who love history but seating is limited. To participate in the event by Zoom, contact volunteer Maureen Flanagan Battistella at mbattistellaor@gmail.com or phone 541-552-0743
Tate’s presentation, by Zoom, will be the second in the Love Local History spring speaker series. The series is made possible in part by an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon with the support of Southern Oregon University and the Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum.
 | | 2nd Saturday Speakers, 0 0, 2022 Time: 2: PM Description: March 12 Native American Artifacts, Symbols and Traditions with Cultural Ambassador Tom Smith Ashpole Center 2-4p;
April 9 Oregon's Black Pioneers with OBP Board Member Troy Tate Eagle Point Museum 2-4pm;
May 14 From a Women's Point of View: Eagle Point's Women Mayors, a panel discussion with Mayors Donna Butchino,Laree Lindor and Ruth Jenks Ashpole Center 2-4pm;
June 11 World War II POW re-eduction at Camp White with Historian Joe Peterson Ashpole Center 2-4pm;
July 9 John Beeson, Oregon Outcast with Archivist Jan Wright Ashpole Center 2-4pm
 | | Eagle Point Second Saturdays, March 12, 2022 Time: 2: PM Description: Hello all, Something new on 2d Saturdays this spring! The Eagle Point Museum is sponsoring a spring speaker series!@ Amazing local history! Captivating speakers! Because the museum has limited space, the series will be at the Ashpole Community Center, except April will be at the Museum. First up on Saturday, March 12 at 2p is Tom Smith, Traditional Toolmaker and Teacher demonstrating the implements used by local indigenous tribes for thousands of years. Spread the word! Share on Facebook! Post the series flyer - print here or pick up a couple at the Museum. Enjoy! Hope to see you there. Julie Thompson, Secretary Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum Hello all, Something new on 2d Saturdays this spring! The Eagle Point Museum is sponsoring a spring speaker series!@ Amazing local history! Captivating speakers! Because the museum has limited space, the series will be at the Ashpole Community Center, except April will be at the Museum. First up on Saturday, March 12 at 2p is Tom Smith, Traditional Toolmaker and Teacher demonstrating the implements used by local indigenous tribes for thousands of years. Spread the word! Share on Facebook! Post the series flyer - print here or pick up a couple at the Museum. Enjoy! Hope to see you there. Julie Thompson, Secretary Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum Hello all, Something new on 2d Saturdays this spring! The Eagle Point Museum is sponsoring a spring speaker series!@ Amazing local history! Captivating speakers! Because the museum has limited space, the series will be at the Ashpole Community Center, except April will be at the Museum. First up on Saturday, March 12 at 2p is Tom Smith, Traditional Toolmaker and Teacher demonstrating the implements used by local indigenous tribes for thousands of years. Spread the word! Share on Facebook! Post the series flyer - print here or pick up a couple at the Museum. Enjoy! Hope to see you there. Julie Thompson, Secretary Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum
 | | 40th Anniversary, September 18, 2018 Time: 0: Description: Anniversary Celebration, September 15, 2018
Time: 5:30 PM
Description: Eagle Point Museum’s 40th Anniversary 1978-2018 September 15, 2018; 5:30pm to 7:00pm Music performed by Neal’s Mostly Country Band Refreshments, drinks and top off the evening with a cake commemorating the milestone. Come see how much we have grown in those 40 years. New displays, interactive displays for kids, authentic Indian artifacts on loan from the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Indians, the Pech buggy that delivered milk and eggs to Central Point in the 1890’s and much more. Eagle Point Museum 202 N. Royal Ave, Eagle Point, Oregon 97524 For more information call the Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum 541-826-4166
 | | Calendar, 0 0, 0 Time: 0: Description: **Looking for that perfect Christmas Gift? The Guardians of the Eagle Point Museum have the gift to give.
Our annual calendar fundraiser is just beginning. This unique 2021 calendar gives you two gifts in one.
Not only do you get a school calendar, but you also learn about the history of the Eagle Point area.
Calendars can be purchased for $10 at Heaven Scent Flowers, 11146 Hwy 62, Eagle Point, in the Ray's Market complex.
Can't make it by Heaven Scent, send us a check for $12, includes shipping and handling, to 202 N. Royal, Eagle Point, OR 97524.
We will send out calendars weekly. This is a great way to support a local business, have a unique calendar and learn the history of the Eagle Point area.
 | | Closure, March 19, 2020 Time: 0: Description: Due to the Coronavirus, the Eagle Point Museum and Harnish Wayside were closed on March 19, 2020 for the safety of employees and the public. There is no known date for reopening.
 | | Wood House Harvest Festival, October 6, 2018 Time: 9:00 AM Description: Come join the Guardians at the Wood House Harvest Festival. We will be selling our Wood House Calendars, homemade breads, and guess the weight of the pumpkin contest. The festival is on Saturday, October 6th from 9am-5pm and Sunday, October 7th from 9am-4pm. Come enjoy the fall harvest festival.
 | | History Hunt, May 12, 2018 Time: 0: Description: The Jackson County Heritage Association presents the 3rd Annual "HISTORY HUNT" May 12,2018 through August. Spring is a great time to take the family and visit participating museums and societies in Jackson County. A great way to learn about our rich Jackson County history. You will get free tickets at each organization you visit for chances to win one of two valuable "Baskets full of History". Need not be present to win. Did you know ... * that there are 15 historical societies and museums in Jackson County? * that each has unique items and information to share with you? * that the Southern Oregon Railway Society is restoring the Medco (Medford Corporation) # 4 locomotive? * that Gold Hill Museum has a cast iron ham boiling pot on display? * that Eagle Point has a portable electric stove on display? * that each organization is staffed by volunteers who love to share their knowledge with you? So get ready! May 12th, visit the Society or Museum near you to pick up your entry form and map. Then you will be off on your exciting trip back in time.
 | | Wood House Festival, May 19, 2018 Time: 9:00 AM Description: The Guardians will have a booth at the Festival to sell our 2019 calendar. This year we are highlighting the Wood House history. We also will be selling raffle tickets for a chance to win: a One night stay plus a $40 food voucher for Seven Feathers Casino and various other prizes including our 2019 calendar. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5.
 | | Vintage Faire, May 12, 2018 Time: 10:00 AM Description: The Guardians will have a booth to help celebrate this year's Vintage Faire. Our booth will be selling popcorn, our 2019 calendar, featuring the Wood House history, books and pamphlets on Eagle Point history, and raffle tickets for various prizes. The grand prize for the raffle, is a one night stay at Seven Feathers Casino along with a $40 food card. Tickets cost $1 each or 6 for $5. Stop by and check out our booth. We also need volunteers to help man the booth. Call the Museum if you are available 541-826-4166.